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This page focuses on GIPOD, the Flemish platform that collects the information about civil works, events and disruptions in the Flemish public domain.

picture of GIPOD

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What is GIPOD?

GIPOD (Generiek Informatieplatform Openbaar Domein) is a Flemish exchange platform ensuring more coordination between utility and/or road works, so that road works on alternative routes are avoided and the detection of conflicts between road works and events is improved. GIPOD is primarily destined for cable and pipeline operators, public domain administrators (cities, municipalities, the Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer (Roads and Traffic Agency),...) and public transport company De Lijn. A part of the GIPOD data is made publicly available: for instance, information about traffic disruptions is forwarded to GPS providers and emergency services.

In addition the platform is also used for the coordination or simultaneous execution of civil works by various parties: this is called working in “synergy”.

A registered party can enter earthwork, i.e. registration of occupation of the public domain. Earthwork is divided into three categories:

  • Category 1 earthwork: earthwork whereby a surface of more than 50 m² is broken up.
  • Category 2 earthwork: earthwork whereby a surface of at least 3 m² and not more than 50 m² is broken up.
  • Category 3 earthwork: earthwork whereby a surface of less than 3 m² is broken up.

A registered party can also launch a synergy request, informing potential interested parties that working in synergy is possible. An organisation can also indicate synergy interest areas in the system so that it is informed of any synergy requests launched in those areas.

The provisions are laid down in the GIPOD Decree of 4 April 2014 and the GIPOD implementing decision of 9 December 2016.

The GIPOD Decree is being updated: the new GIPOD Decree will come into force on 1 January 2022. In the new decree the obligatory registration of all category 2 and 3 earthwork will be included among other things.


The use of GIPOD is free of charge.


The obligation to enter earthwork into GIPOD depends on the category (see above under "What is GIPOD?") and on the impact of the operations:

  • Category 1 earthwork: all category 1 earthwork has to be entered into GIPOD, no later than 2 months before its planned start date (if it does not entail the relocation or reinstallation of other utility pipes or cables) or no later than 6 months before its planned start date (if it does entail the relocation or reinstallation of other utility pipes or cables or if it is part of the pluriannual plan).
  • Category 2 earthwork: any category 2 earthwork causing serious disruption has to be entered into GIPOD, no later than 3 weeks before the start of the operations (unless urgent cases are involved, in which case the date that the planned start date is known, applies).
  • Category 3 earthwork: any category 3 earthwork causing motorised traffic to be re-routed has to be entered into GIPOD, no later than 3 weeks before the start of the operations (unless urgent cases are involved, in which case the date that the planned start date is known, applies).

GIPOD makes a distinction between earthwork and operations on façades or outside walls. Operations on façades do not need to be registered if they do not disrupt traffic.

Any initiator in GIPOD has the obligation to enter a synergy interest area that at least covers his existing work area.

For every category 1 earthwork a synergy request has to be submitted no later than 2 months before the start.

In order to be able to submit the synergy request in time, the developers and operators have to enter the annual planning of their civil works into GIPOD at least twice a year (deadline on 30 June and 31 December).


The required time to submit the request depends on the categories and is described above in Obligations.

The initiator of the synergy request determines the reply time. For synergy requests a maximum reply time of 15 calendar days applies, after which a period of 30 calendar days starts to work out the synergy in more detail.

GIPOD update

The GIPOD platform is being updated and extra functions are added. More information can be found on this website.

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